Sunday, November 16, 2008

My speech in Stavanger

Ok I am back. First I will write about Norway. In September I went to Norway because I was invited for a conference I met other guys from Norway, South Africa, Guatemala, Birma, Thailand. Together with them there was also me from zambia. So we had 7 countries all together and the guy from South Africa did a performance in the University of Stavanger. It was really fun I enjoyed it very much. I felt at home with my fellow Africans performing.

The most important day that we had was when I was reading the speech. We went to attend the University. Topics we discussed was about the MDG’s, conflict resolutions and children’s rights. I gave a very nice speech and everyone liked it. The speech I gave was about how to stop war in countries because the children are affected most. Because they than don’t have shelter if they don’t have someone to take care of them anymore. They end up on the streets. Also I spoke about children’s rights, mostly the right to education. Because I think it is the key right to a child for a better future. And every child is a child wheter in the east, in the west, in the north or south. It is still a child. And every child has the right to live and that is the right for life.

Together with me there was an international student from Asia. She also gave a speech. We were the two guests of honour, me and her.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Will be write more soon!

Hello everyone. Long time I didn't write! But a lot has happened. In september i was in Norway at a congres. I had to talk to a lot of youth from all over the world. Later I will write more but here is a picture. Now i got to go because i have to prepare for a very exiting trip. I am going to Kenya to interview Wangari Maathai. It is a real cool MTV program for europe. I will tell you all about it.